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2nd UK and Ireland Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium
Dr David Dickens, University of Liverpool, was the host and organiser for the 2nd UK & Ireland Early Career BBB Symposium. The BBB Symposium was held on the 23rd of November 2012 at The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK . The keynote presentation for this symposium was given by Dr Nacho Romero, Open University. The symposium program is listed below:
10.30-11.00 Coffee and registration
11.00-11.25 Welcome and introduction
Transport of lamotrigine and gabapentin in brain endothelial cells. David Dickens, University of Liverpool
11.25-12.05 Session 1: Drug delivery utilising nanoparticles (Chair; Steffen Raedisch)
Delivery of glucose-coated gold nanoparticles to astrocytes by transcytosis across human brain endothelium. Radka Gromnicova, Open University
Assessment of aqueous and nanoparticle antiretroviral drug transport in the blood-brain barrier. Paul Curley, University of Liverpool
12.05-13.05 Lunch + poster session
13.05-13.50 Keynote lecture:
CNS inflammation and the blood-brain barrier: an overview. Nacho Romero, Open University
13.50-15.10 Session 2: Transport and modelling at the BBB (Chair; Adjanie Patabendige)
Drug-drug interaction of clozapine and lamotrigine, Steffen Radisch. University of Liverpool
Neurothrophins and the BBB: some new evidence of crossing. Svetlana Drndarski, King's College London
Modelling the function of the blood-brain barrier using an agent-based approach. Gavin Fullstone, University of Sheffield
Differences in the ABC efflux transporters under non-cancerous and cancerous conditions. Ana Georgian, King's College London
3.10-3.30 Coffee break
3.30-4.50 Session 3: Disease and development (Chair; David Dickens)
Understanding the mechanisms of blood-brain barrier disruption caused by Japanese encephalitis virus in an in-vitro human model. Adjanie Patabendige, University of Liverpool
MiR-126 and miR-126* play a role in flow-based leukocyte adhesion on cytokineactivated human brain microvascular endothelium in-vitro, Camilla Cerutti, Open University
Absence of glial alpha-dystrobrevin causes abnormalities of the blood-brain barrier and progressive brain edema, Chun Fu Lien, University of Portsmouth
VEGF-regulated vascular permeability, Alessandro Fantin, University College London
4.50-5.00 Final remarks
Poster Presentations:
Chun Fu Lien, University of Portsmouth
Ferdinand Fuchs, King's College London
Rachael Quinn, University of Liverpool
Hayley Jones, University of Liverpool
Steffen Radisch, University of Liverpool
Dongsheng Wu, Open University
Raj K. Singh Badhan, Aston University
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